The Ministry of Finance of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg prepares and implements the budgetary, financial and fiscal policy of the State. In this capacity, the Ministry is also responsible for the public finances and the preparation of the budget. In addition, it defines the policy with regard to the financial sector, and is responsible for external relations with the various international financial institutions.
A large number of administrations are attached to the Ministry, such as the Luxembourg Inland Revenue and the Customs and Excise Agency.
The range of competence of the ministry is fixed by the Government regulation.
Directors Committee
The Directors Committee meets on a weekly basis, under the chairmanship of the Minister, to discuss strategic and operational issues . The directors and the general coordinator participate in these meetings.
Directorate "Financial Services policy and regulation, Financial Stability"
The Directorate deals with matters relating to financial stability, financial services and the regulatory framework of the financial sector. It is in charge of developing national legislation governing the financial centre, as well as its actors (banks, insurance companies, investment funds, payment institutions, etc.). The Directorate represents the Ministry in national, European and international working groups dealing with the regulation of financial services and financial stability. It actively participates in the negotiation and drafting of relevant international texts. The Directorate is also in charge of the Ministry's tasks relating to the resolution of failing credit institutions, the protection of depositors and investors and the macro-prudential supervision of the financial sector. It ensures cooperation with other ministries, authorities, professional associations and financial actors, both domestic and foreign, on issues of interest to the financial centre.
Directorate "Economic and Budgetary Affairs"
The Directorate prepares ECOFIN and Eurogroup meetings and represents the Ministry of Finance in national, European and international committees and working groups dealing with public finances, including the EU budget, and economic policy. It manages relations with international institutions such as the International Monetary Fund, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (on economic and budgetary issues) and the European Stability Mechanism, as well as with credit rating agencies. The Directorate provides the secretariat for the National Economic and Financial Committee and, together with the Ministry of Economic Affairs, coordinates the European Semester at national and European level.
Directorate "Multilateral Affairs, Development and Compliance"
The Directorate is responsible for the relations with the international financial institutions, of which Luxembourg is a member. It supervises and develops the multilateral development assistance program, financed by the Ministry of Finance, and follows the development of the financing of international trade through the work of the Office du Ducroire.
In the area of compliance, the Directorate monitors compliance by Luxembourg with the obligations specifically contracted in the context of the fight against money laundering, corruption and the financing of terrorism as well as the initiatives of the G20, OECD, FATF and of the World Forum.
Directorate "Administration and domains"
The Directorate is in charge of the management of human resources and the internal organization of the Ministry.
In terms of public policy, the Directorate ensures the efficient use of the State's properties.
Directorate "Taxation"
The Directorate is in charge of all matters relating to national taxation (direct and indirect) and all kind of tax revenue of the State. To this end it participates in all the work that takes place on this subject at the national level (Forecast Committee, CES, etc.). At the international level, it follows the latest fiscal developments (exchange of information, beps, etc.).
General Secretariat
The General Secretariat ensures the coordination of the different services of the Ministry. In that regard, it works closely together with the different departments of the Ministry, the Government Council as well as the Chamber of Deputies.
The General Secretariat acts as the default contact point and forwards the various requests over to the Directorates.