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  • 115 result(s)
  1. The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), a treaty-based intergovernmental organisation, inaugurated its European Liaison Office in Luxembourg today. This new office is a significant milestone for the organisation, as it aims to facilitate exchanges between GGGI's Member States and European partners to support climate action and access to green and climate finance in Africa, Latin America and Asia

  2. On Thursday, 30 March, Minister of Finance, Yuriko Backes, Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development, Joëlle Welfring, and Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), Kris Peeters, presented a financing agreement between Luxembourg and the EIB to fund the ecological restoration of the Alzette river and its tributary, the Pétrusse.

  3. On 27 March 2023, Franz Fayot, Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, and Yuriko Backes, Minister of Finance, signed with Alfred Hannig, Executive Director of the Alliance for Financial Inclusion, the extension of the cooperation agreement with the European Representative Office of AFI during an official ceremony at the Luxembourg House of Financial Technology.

  4. On Friday, 17 March 2023, the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of the Economy, Société nationale de crédit et d'investissement (SNCI) and the European Investment Fund (EIF) officially launched the Luxembourg Future Fund 2 (LFF 2).

  5. The rating agency Scope Ratings has just confirmed on Friday the "AAA" credit rating of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg with a stable outlook. This higher rating reflects the country's resilient economy, as well as the good performance of public finances.

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