On 22 April 2024, the Minister of Finance, Gilles Roth, presented the State's financial situation at 31 March 2024 to the members of the Finance Committee and the Parliamentary Committee for controlling budget implementation.
At the end of the first quarter of 2024, Central Government revenues rose by €524.6 million (+9.4%) year-on-year, while expenditure increased by €203.9 million (+3.3%).
However, this positive jaws effect needs to be contextualised, as expenditure tends to grow more slowly in a provisional budget. The provisional twelfths budget is currently the legal basis for budget implementation pending the entry into force of the definitive budget for 2024.
Minister of Finance Gilles Roth commented: "I am satisfied with the generally favourable evolution of revenues, which are in line with our forecasts. It is now essential to keep a close eye on the implementation of the 2024 budget in order to prevent the deficit from widening We must continue to make every effort.
Press release by the Ministry of Finance