State visit of TRH the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess to the Kingdom of Belgium – Second day

At the invitation of Their Majesties the King and Queen of the Belgians, TRH the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess are undertaking a State visit to the Kingdom of Belgium from 16 to 18 April 2024. 

The Vice Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, Xavier Bettel, the Minister of the Economy, SME, Energy and Tourism, Lex Delles, and the Minister of Defence, Minister for Mobility and Public Works, Minister for Gender Equality and Diversity, Yuriko Backes, are joining the Grand Ducal couple during the three-day State visit. Prime Minister Luc Frieden and the Minister of Finance, Gilles Roth, are also present at various points during the programme.

In addition to high-level political, economic and cultural meetings, the official programme includes company visits to Brussels, Ghent and Liège. As part of this State visit, a large economic delegation, comprising representatives of more than 125 companies active in the sectors of the circular economy, renewable energies, health technologies, finance, tourism, (cyber-)security, defence and space cooperation, is accompanying the Grand Ducal couple.

This is the second State visit to Belgium by TRH the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess, reflecting the excellent relations between Luxembourg and Belgium, who are close neighbours united by strong historical, political, socio-economic and cultural ties. In addition to consolidating long-standing partnerships, the State visit also provides an opportunity to highlight new areas of cooperation and to stimulate progress and innovation with the aim of ensuring sustainable growth that respects the environment.

Wednesday 17 April 2024

On the second day of the State visit, a breakfast meeting of financial services leaders is held at the Palais d'Egmont in Brussels, chaired by the Minister of Finance, Gilles Roth, and his Belgian counterpart, Vincent Van Peteghem, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, responsible for Coordination and the Fight against Fraud and the National Lottery. HRH the Grand Duke and the King of the Belgians join them in the morning to discuss the Belgian and Luxembourg perspectives on economic financing.

  1. ©SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    (left to right) Vincent Van Peteghem, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, in charge of the Coordination of the Fight against Fraud and the National Lottery; Gilles Roth, Minister of Finance

    (left to right) Vincent Van Peteghem, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, in charge of the Coordination of the Fight against Fraud and the National Lottery; Gilles Roth, Minister of Finance

  2. ©SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    Breakfast at the Palais d'Egmont - (speaker) Gilles Roth, Minister of Finance

    Breakfast at the Palais d'Egmont - (speaker) Gilles Roth, Minister of Finance

  3. ©SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    Breakfast at the Palais d'Egmont - (Speaker) Gilles Roth, Minister of Finance

    Breakfast at the Palais d'Egmont - (Speaker) Gilles Roth, Minister of Finance

  4. ©SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    Breakfast at the Palais d'Egmont - (Speaker) Vincent Van Peteghem, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, in charge of the Coordination of the Fight against Fraud and the National Lottery

    Breakfast at the Palais d'Egmont - (Speaker) Vincent Van Peteghem, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, in charge of the Coordination of the Fight against Fraud and the National Lottery

  5. ©SIP / Emmanuel Claude

    Arrival of HRH the Grand Duke and HM the King of the Belgians by Hadja Lahbib

    Arrival of HRH the Grand Duke and HM the King of the Belgians by Hadja Lahbib

  6. ©SIP / Emmanuel Claude

    Arrival of HRH the Grand Duke, HM the King of the Belgians, Gilles Roth and Vincent Van Peteghem

    Arrival of HRH the Grand Duke, HM the King of the Belgians, Gilles Roth and Vincent Van Peteghem

  7. © SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    Ministers Gilles Roth and Vincent Van Peteghem presented to HRH the Grand Duke and HM the King of the Belgians

    Ministers Gilles Roth and Vincent Van Peteghem presented to HRH the Grand Duke and HM the King of the Belgians

  8. © SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    (from left to right) Gilles Roth, Minister of Finance; HRH the Grand Duke

    (from left to right) Gilles Roth, Minister of Finance; HRH the Grand Duke

  9. © SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    (fr. l. to r.) Michael Anseeuw, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors, BNP Paribas, Chairman of Febelfin; HRH the Grand Duke; Vincent Van Peteghem, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, responsible for Coordination and the Fight against Fraud and the National Lottery.

    (fr. l. to r.) Michael Anseeuw, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors, BNP Paribas, Chairman of Febelfin; HRH the Grand Duke; Vincent Van Peteghem, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, responsible for Coordination and the Fight against Fraud and the National Lottery.

  10. © SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    (fr. l .to r.) Nicolas Mackel, Managing Director, Luxembourg for Finance (LFF); H.M. the King of the Belgians; Gilles Roth, Minister of Finance; Claude Marx, Managing Director, Commission de surveillance du secteur financier (CSSF); Karel Baert, Managing Director, Febelfin.

    (fr. l .to r.) Nicolas Mackel, Managing Director, Luxembourg for Finance (LFF); H.M. the King of the Belgians; Gilles Roth, Minister of Finance; Claude Marx, Managing Director, Commission de surveillance du secteur financier (CSSF); Karel Baert, Managing Director, Febelfin.

Also at the Egmont Palace, HRH the Grand Duke and HM the King of the Belgians attend the opening of the Economic Forum entitled "Thriving Connections: Belgian-Luxembourg Economic relations". The keynote speeches are given by the Director General of the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium (FEB), Pieter Timmermans, the President of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, Fernand Ernster, Belgian Minister Hadja Lahbib and Minister Xavier Bettel. The heads of state then met three pairs of Belgian and Luxembourg business leaders, who jointly present their cooperation projects. Meanwhile, the forum continues with, among others, a presentation by minister Lex Delles on the Luxembourg economy. It is followed by several parallel sessions focusing on tourism, health technologies, the circular economy and sustainable construction.

  1. ©SIP / Emmanuel Claude

    Palais d'Egmont – Salle Europe – Forum économique Belgique-Luxembourg – Vue générale

    Palais d'Egmont – Salle Europe – Forum économique Belgique-Luxembourg – Vue générale

  2. ©SIP / Emmanuel Claude

    Suyin Aerts, modératrice

    Suyin Aerts, modératrice

  3. ©SIP / Emmanuel Claude

    (de g. à dr.) S.M. le roi des Belges ; S.A.R. le Grand-Duc

    (de g. à dr.) S.M. le roi des Belges ; S.A.R. le Grand-Duc

  4. ©SIP/ Emmanuel Claude

    (devant, de g. à dr.) Xavier Bettel, Vice-Premier ministre, ministre des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce extérieur, ministre de la Coopération et de l’Action humanitaire ; Hadja Lahbib, ministre des Affaires étrangères, des Affaires européennes et du Commerce extérieur, et des Institutions culturelles fédérales du royaume de Belgique

    (devant, de g. à dr.) Xavier Bettel, Vice-Premier ministre, ministre des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce extérieur, ministre de la Coopération et de l’Action humanitaire ; Hadja Lahbib, ministre des Affaires étrangères, des Affaires européennes et du Commerce extérieur, et des Institutions culturelles fédérales du royaume de Belgique

  5. ©SIP/ Emmanuel Claude

    Discours du Vice-Premier ministre, ministre des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce extérieur, Xavier Bettel

    Discours du Vice-Premier ministre, ministre des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce extérieur, Xavier Bettel

  6. ©SIP/ Emmanuel Claude

    (devant, de g. à dr.) Lex Delles, ministre de l’Économie, des PME, de l’Énergie et du Tourisme ; Yuriko Backes, ministre de la Défense, ministre de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics, ministre de l’Égalité des genres et de la Diversité

    (devant, de g. à dr.) Lex Delles, ministre de l’Économie, des PME, de l’Énergie et du Tourisme ; Yuriko Backes, ministre de la Défense, ministre de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics, ministre de l’Égalité des genres et de la Diversité

  7. ©SIP/ Emmanuel Claude

    Présentation de l’Économie luxembourgeoise par Lex Delles, ministre de l’Économie, des PME, de l’Énergie et du Tourisme

    Présentation de l’Économie luxembourgeoise par Lex Delles, ministre de l’Économie, des PME, de l’Énergie et du Tourisme

  8. ©SIP/ Emmanuel Claude

    Forum économique Belgique-Luxembourg – Discours du Vice-Premier ministre, ministre des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce extérieur, Xavier Bettel

    Forum économique Belgique-Luxembourg – Discours du Vice-Premier ministre, ministre des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce extérieur, Xavier Bettel

  9. ©SIP/ Emmanuel Claude

    Belgium-Luxmbourg Success Stories – Stand Healthtech (scaling healthtech companies from Europe)

    Belgium-Luxmbourg Success Stories – Stand Healthtech (scaling healthtech companies from Europe)

  10. ©SIP/ Emmanuel Claude

    Belgium-Luxembourg Success Stories – Stand Digital Sovereignty (Sovereign cloud services)

    Belgium-Luxembourg Success Stories – Stand Digital Sovereignty (Sovereign cloud services)

Meanwhile, HRH the Grand Duchess and HM the Queen of the Belgians are visiting the Palais des Beaux-Arts, also known as Bozar, to see the exhibition "Histoire de ne pas rire: le surréalisme en Belgique". The exhibition marks the 100th anniversary of surrealism, the poetic and artistic movement of the twentieth century that grew out of the revolt embodied by the Dada movement at the end of the First World War. They are joined by the exhibition's curator, Xavier Canonne.

  1. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    (fr. l. to r.) HM the Queen of the Belgians; HRH the Grand Duchess

    (fr. l. to r.) HM the Queen of the Belgians; HRH the Grand Duchess

  2. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    (fr. l. to r.) Christophe Slagmuylder, CEO & artistic director of Bozar; HRH the Grand Duchess; HM the Queen of the Belgians; Isabelle Mazzara, President of the Board of Directors of Bozar

    (fr. l. to r.) Christophe Slagmuylder, CEO & artistic director of Bozar; HRH the Grand Duchess; HM the Queen of the Belgians; Isabelle Mazzara, President of the Board of Directors of Bozar

  3. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    (fr. l. to r.) Xavier Canonne, curator of the exhibition; HRH the Grand Duchess; HM the Queen of the Belgians

    (fr. l. to r.) Xavier Canonne, curator of the exhibition; HRH the Grand Duchess; HM the Queen of the Belgians

Towards the end of the morning, HRH the Grand Duke and TM the King and Queen of the Belgians, accompanied by the ministerial delegation, travel to Ghent, in the province of East Flanders. They are welcomed by the Governor, Carina Van Cauter, and the Mayor, Mathias De Clercq.

  1. ©SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    (fr. l. to r.) Carina E.J. Van Tittelboom-Van Cauter, Governor of the Province of East Flanders; Tim Berckmoes, CEO of Anglo Belgian Corporation Engines; HRH the Grand Duke; H.M. the King of the Belgians; H.M. the Queen of the Belgians; Stéphanie d'Hose, President of the Senate; Mathias De Clercq, Mayor of Ghent.

    (fr. l. to r.) Carina E.J. Van Tittelboom-Van Cauter, Governor of the Province of East Flanders; Tim Berckmoes, CEO of Anglo Belgian Corporation Engines; HRH the Grand Duke; H.M. the King of the Belgians; H.M. the Queen of the Belgians; Stéphanie d'Hose, President of the Senate; Mathias De Clercq, Mayor of Ghent.

  2. ©SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    Ghent North Sea Port – Visitor's Centre– Presentation des CEO of North Sea Port, Daan Schalck

    Ghent North Sea Port – Visitor's Centre– Presentation des CEO of North Sea Port, Daan Schalck

  3. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    (fr. l. to r.) HRH the Grand Duke; HM the Queen of the Belgians; Mathias De Clercq, Mayor of Ghent; Carina E.J. Van Tittelboom-Van Cauter, Governor of the Province of East Flanders.

    (fr. l. to r.) HRH the Grand Duke; HM the Queen of the Belgians; Mathias De Clercq, Mayor of Ghent; Carina E.J. Van Tittelboom-Van Cauter, Governor of the Province of East Flanders.

  4. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    Visitor Centre / Ghent North Sea Port

    Visitor Centre / Ghent North Sea Port

  5. ©SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    Daan Schlack, CEO of North Sea Port

    Daan Schlack, CEO of North Sea Port

  6. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    (fr. l. to r.) Mathias De Clercq, Mayor of Ghent; Xavier Bettel, Vice Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs; Lex Delles, Minister of the Economy, SME, Energy and Tourism; Gauthier Destenay, Xavier Bettel's husband; Yuriko Backes, Minister of Defence, Minister for Mobility and Public Works, Minister for Gender Equality and Diversity;

    (fr. l. to r.) Mathias De Clercq, Mayor of Ghent; Xavier Bettel, Vice Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs; Lex Delles, Minister of the Economy, SME, Energy and Tourism; Gauthier Destenay, Xavier Bettel's husband; Yuriko Backes, Minister of Defence, Minister for Mobility and Public Works, Minister for Gender Equality and Diversity;

The delegation first visits the North Sea Port Visitor Centre, where it attends a presentation of the port by Managing Director Daan Schalck. North Sea Port is one of Europe's ten largest seaports, stretching over an area 60 kilometres long from Vlissingen and Terneuzen in the Netherlands to Ghent in Belgium. The programme also features a visit to Anglo Belgian Corporation (ABC) Engines, a company founded in 1912 and specialising in the manufacture of powerful hydrogen and hybrid engines for the shipping and energy sectors. The visit takes place in the presence of the company's Managing Director, Tim Berckmoes.

  1. ©SIP / Emmanuel Claude

    Anglo Belgian Corporation Engines – Illustration

    Anglo Belgian Corporation Engines – Illustration

  2. © SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    (de g. à dr.) Carina E.J. Van Tittelboom-Van Cauter, gouverneur de la province de la Flandre-Orientale ; Lex Delles, ministre de l’Économie, des PME, de l’Énergie et du Tourisme

    (de g. à dr.) Carina E.J. Van Tittelboom-Van Cauter, gouverneur de la province de la Flandre-Orientale ; Lex Delles, ministre de l’Économie, des PME, de l’Énergie et du Tourisme

  3. ©MECO

    Lex Delles; Laurence Zenner (CREOS); Pascal De Buck (Fluxys); Tinne Van der Straeten

    Lex Delles; Laurence Zenner (CREOS); Pascal De Buck (Fluxys); Tinne Van der Straeten

  4. ©MECO

    Lex Delles, Minister for the Economy, SME, Energy and Tourism and Tinne Van der Straeten, Minister for Energy of the Kingdom of Belgium

    Lex Delles, Minister for the Economy, SME, Energy and Tourism and Tinne Van der Straeten, Minister for Energy of the Kingdom of Belgium

  5. ©SIP/ Emmanuel Claude

    Anglo Belgian Corporation Engines – Evolve 4EL23 Moteur multi carburant de dernière génération & Moteur historique

    Anglo Belgian Corporation Engines – Evolve 4EL23 Moteur multi carburant de dernière génération & Moteur historique

  6. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    Anglo Belgian Corporation Engines – Banc d’essai

    Anglo Belgian Corporation Engines – Banc d’essai

  7. ©SIP / Emmanuel Claude

    Anglo Belgian Corporation Engines – Evolve 4EL23 Moteur multi carburant de dernière génération & Moteur historique

    Anglo Belgian Corporation Engines – Evolve 4EL23 Moteur multi carburant de dernière génération & Moteur historique

  8. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    Anglo Belgian Corporation Engines – Banc d’essai

    Anglo Belgian Corporation Engines – Banc d’essai

The Grand Ducal couple and the Sovereigns of the Kingdom of Belgium are then welcomed to the Provincial House in Ghent, the seat of the province's central government, on the invitation of the Governor and Mayor of Ghent, to attend a themed lunch in the presence of Xavier Bettel, Lex Delles and Yuriko Backes. The topics discussed include the challenges facing the labour market and the energy sector in a sustainable economy. As part of the lunch, a letter of intent between Creos and Fluxys is signed in the presence of Lex Delles, Minister for the Economy, SME, Energy and Tourism and Tinne Van der Straeten, Minister for Energy of the Kingdom of Belgium.

  1. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    (de g. à dr.) S.A.R. le Grand-Duc

    (de g. à dr.) S.A.R. le Grand-Duc

  2. ©SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    Maison provinciale de Gand (Province de Flandre-Orientale) – Déjeuner thématique offert par le gouverneur

    Maison provinciale de Gand (Province de Flandre-Orientale) – Déjeuner thématique offert par le gouverneur

  3. ©MECO

    Presenting of a gift by the Mayor of Ghent Mathias De Clercq

    Presenting of a gift by the Mayor of Ghent Mathias De Clercq

  4. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    (de g. à dr.) S.A.R. le Grand-Duc ; n.c. ; Carina E.J. Van Tittelboom-Van Cauter, gouverneur de la province de la Flandre-Orientale ; S.M. la reine des Belges

    (de g. à dr.) S.A.R. le Grand-Duc ; n.c. ; Carina E.J. Van Tittelboom-Van Cauter, gouverneur de la province de la Flandre-Orientale ; S.M. la reine des Belges

  5. ©SIP / Emmanuel Claude

    (de g. à dr.) S.M. la reine des Belges ; n.c. ; Tim Berckmoes, CEO d’Anglo Belgian Corporation Engines ; Lex Delles, ministre de l’Économie, des PME, de l’Énergie et du Tourisme ; Laurence Zenner, expert, CEO de Creos (LU)

    (de g. à dr.) S.M. la reine des Belges ; n.c. ; Tim Berckmoes, CEO d’Anglo Belgian Corporation Engines ; Lex Delles, ministre de l’Économie, des PME, de l’Énergie et du Tourisme ; Laurence Zenner, expert, CEO de Creos (LU)

  6. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    Carina E.J. Van Tittelboom-Van Cauter, gouverneur de la province de la Flandre-Orientale

    Carina E.J. Van Tittelboom-Van Cauter, gouverneur de la province de la Flandre-Orientale

  7. ©SIP / Emmanuel Claude



  8. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    Mathias De Clercq and Xavier Bettel

    Mathias De Clercq and Xavier Bettel

The cultural programme also includes a visit to St Bavo's Cathedral, where TM the King and Queen of the Belgians and the HRH Grand Duke and Grand Duchess are welcomed by the Bishop of Ghent, Monsignor Lode Van Hecke. After a meeting with the locals on the Place Bavon, they take part in a guided tour of the cathedral and its "Adoration of the Mystic Lamb" in the presence of Xavier Bettel and Yuriko Backes. This masterpiece, painted between 1420 and 1432 by the brothers Jan and Hubert Van Eyck, is currently undergoing the third phase of its restoration. It is considered to be the pinnacle of fifteenth-century Flemish painting.

  1. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    Interaction with the crowd

    Interaction with the crowd

  2. ©SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    The golden book of St Bavo's Cathedral

    The golden book of St Bavo's Cathedral

  3. ©SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    St Bavo's Cathedral

    St Bavo's Cathedral

  4. ©SIP / Emmanuel Claude

    Interaction with the crowd

    Interaction with the crowd

  5. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    Visit of St Bavo's Cathedral

    Visit of St Bavo's Cathedral

  6. ©SIP / Emmanuel Claude

    TM the King and Queen of the Belgians

    TM the King and Queen of the Belgians

  7. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue



  8. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    TM the King and Queen of the Belgians and the HRH Grand Duke and Grand Duchess

    TM the King and Queen of the Belgians and the HRH Grand Duke and Grand Duchess

  9. ©SIP / Emmanuel Claude

    Interaction with the crowd

    Interaction with the crowd

The State visit to the Kingdom of Belgium continues in Aalst, where HRH the Grand Duke is meeting the management of the Jan De Nul Group in the presence of ministers Xavier Bettel, Lex Delles and Yuriko Backes. Jan De Nul Group has become one of the world's leading dredging companies. In addition, the group also carries out onshore work, pipeline construction and marine salvage. The principles of a trailing rope and cutter dredger will be explained using two simulators as training and engineering tools.

  1. ©SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    Yuriko Backes; Julie de Nul, CEO; Xavier Bettel

    Yuriko Backes; Julie de Nul, CEO; Xavier Bettel

  2. ©SIP / Emmanuel Claude

    Presentation of the Jan de Nul Group

    Presentation of the Jan de Nul Group

  3. ©SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    Lex Delles; Jan Pieter Jozef de Nul, CEO

    Lex Delles; Jan Pieter Jozef de Nul, CEO

  4. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    Xavier Bettel; HRH the Grand Duke; Carina E.J. Van Tittelboom-Van Cauter

    Xavier Bettel; HRH the Grand Duke; Carina E.J. Van Tittelboom-Van Cauter

  5. ©SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    Julie de Nul, CEO, Jan de Nul Group; Yuriko Backes; Xavier Bettel; Carina E.J. Van Tittelboom-Van Cauter

    Julie de Nul, CEO, Jan de Nul Group; Yuriko Backes; Xavier Bettel; Carina E.J. Van Tittelboom-Van Cauter

  6. © SIP / Emmanuel Claude

    Yuriko Backes, Xavier Bettel and Etienne Schneider, Director of teh Jan de Nul Group

    Yuriko Backes, Xavier Bettel and Etienne Schneider, Director of teh Jan de Nul Group

  7. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    At the Jan de Nul Headquarters

    At the Jan de Nul Headquarters

  8. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    Group photo

    Group photo

  9. ©SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    Presentation of the simulator

    Presentation of the simulator

The second day of the State visit concludes at the former Maison de la Radio in Brussels, known as Flagey and featuring several recording studios, including the famous Studio 4, which is renowned for its acoustics. The event features a concert by the Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra, followed by a cocktail reception hosted by the Grand Ducal couple in honour of HM the King and Queen of the Belgians.

  1. ©SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    (fr. l. to r.) H.R.H. the Grand Duchess; H.R.H. the Grand Duke; Jean-Louis Thill, Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Brussels.

    (fr. l. to r.) H.R.H. the Grand Duchess; H.R.H. the Grand Duke; Jean-Louis Thill, Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Brussels.

  2. ©SIP / Emmanuel Claude

    (fr. l. to r.) Xavier Bettel, Vice Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs; Diederik Pauwelym, Chief of Staff to the Governor of East Flanders; Stephanie D'Hose, President of the Senate; Gauthier Destenay, Xavier Bettel's husband.

    (fr. l. to r.) Xavier Bettel, Vice Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs; Diederik Pauwelym, Chief of Staff to the Governor of East Flanders; Stephanie D'Hose, President of the Senate; Gauthier Destenay, Xavier Bettel's husband.

  3. ©SIP / Emmanuel Claude

    Orchestre philharmonique du Luxembourg

    Orchestre philharmonique du Luxembourg

  4. ©SIP / Emmanuel Claude

    (fr. l. to r.) Liang Haoxing, solo violin ; Wayne Marshall, conductor

    (fr. l. to r.) Liang Haoxing, solo violin ; Wayne Marshall, conductor

  5. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    (fr. l. to r.) HRH the Grand Duke; HM the Queen of the Belgians; HM the King of the Belgians; HRH the Grand Duchess

    (fr. l. to r.) HRH the Grand Duke; HM the Queen of the Belgians; HM the King of the Belgians; HRH the Grand Duchess

  6. ©SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    (fr. l. to r.) HRH the Grand Duke; Kika; n.c.; HM the Queen of the Belgians

    (fr. l. to r.) HRH the Grand Duke; Kika; n.c.; HM the Queen of the Belgians

  7. ©SIP / Emmanuel Claude

    (fr. l. to r.) Lex Delles, Minister of the Economy, SME, Energy and Tourism; Yuriko Backes, Minister of Defence, Minister for Mobility and Public Works, Minister for Gender Equality and Diversity.

    (fr. l. to r.) Lex Delles, Minister of the Economy, SME, Energy and Tourism; Yuriko Backes, Minister of Defence, Minister for Mobility and Public Works, Minister for Gender Equality and Diversity.

  8. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    Group photo

    Group photo

  9. ©SIP / Emmanuel Claude

    Jean-Louis Thill, Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Brussels

    Jean-Louis Thill, Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Brussels

  10. ©SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

    (fr. l. to r.) Ibrahima Diop, Consular and Communications Assistant, Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Brussels; Ivan Boumans, composer

    (fr. l. to r.) Ibrahima Diop, Consular and Communications Assistant, Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Brussels; Ivan Boumans, composer

  11. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue



  12. ©SIP / Emmanuel Claude



  13. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    (fr. l. to r.) Hadja Lahbib, Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Affairs and Foreign Trade, and Federal Cultural Institutions of the Kingdom of Belgium; H.M. the Queen of the Belgians; H.M. the King of the Belgians; HRH the Grand Duke; HRH the Grand Duchess; HRH Prince Laurent; Eliane Tillieux, President of the Belgian House of Representatives; husband of Eliane Tillieux, President of the Belgian House of Representatives.

    (fr. l. to r.) Hadja Lahbib, Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Affairs and Foreign Trade, and Federal Cultural Institutions of the Kingdom of Belgium; H.M. the Queen of the Belgians; H.M. the King of the Belgians; HRH the Grand Duke; HRH the Grand Duchess; HRH Prince Laurent; Eliane Tillieux, President of the Belgian House of Representatives; husband of Eliane Tillieux, President of the Belgian House of Representatives.

  14. ©Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue

    (fr. l. to r.) Liang Haoxing, solo violin; HRH the Grand Duke

    (fr. l. to r.) Liang Haoxing, solo violin; HRH the Grand Duke

Press release by the Information and Press Service

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